Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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Several authors' The Death of adversario 'Hans Keilson

The Death of adversario
Hans Keilson
Editorial Lowercase
1st edition, September 2010
Fan of Charles Andrew
Genre: Novel
301 site
ISBN: 9788495587688

These days I have the opportunity to be guided talking with publishers, authors, agents and journalists, and when I mentioned the impact that I had done reading opponent's death, all the same thing I answered: "of course, is that publishing is Tiny ... ". Said it as if it were a truism that if a title is published in this seal, the force has to be good. But my answer imposing a qualification: "This book surpasses all others."

opponent's death is a perfect work that operates at peak performance in different aspects. On the one hand, is a device that recreates, through a character's confused and somewhat marginalized, the advent of Nazism, although the reader you will not find a single reference to it, nor to Judaism or Hitler. We know they are there, but the narrator (first person) does not specify explicitly what is gradually emerging in Germany. We see that there is a speaker starts to win people over with his politics, we noticed some parents distressed by what lies ahead and, especially, a young man, as is becoming an adult, is being swallowed by the strength and power of his adversary.

In addition, there is a deep and accurate reflection on the limits of fiction and reality and the moment when the border between the two is diluted. How a person who lived Nazism can adapt what he witnessed or had to carry out a literary exercise? And more: Is it a literary exercise? The reader will find in the adversary Death different instants in which stop reading to answer a few unknowns that the author raises: what is it really hate?, What motivates the gene have an enemy (whether individual or collective)?

opponent's death is one more novel about Nazism: here we find murder, brutality and concentration camps, but tells the attempt to understand what motivates some inexplicable attitudes in human being. And Hans Keilson do extraordinarily well without ever losing the narrative pulse. This is a novel not easily forgotten. I said it Sukkwan Island, by David Vann (Alfabia / Empúries) and I say this: among the good of the year, the adversary death is among the best.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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' Sukkwan Island ', David Vann

Sukkwan Island
Editions David Vann
Alfabia / Empúries
1 edition, 2010
Castilian translation: David Gascon
Catalan translation: Francesc Rovira
Genre: Novel

210 pages ISBN: 9788493794323 (cast.)
ISBN: 9788497876742 (cat.)

At this point, talking about this novel only serves to confirm what critics unanimous opinion, readers and booksellers, that is one of the revelations important in 2010 is already over. However, I will give you some advice before getting into this novel: do not read any reviews or interviews the author, not get carried away by the temptation to be informed about the novel to read. It is best to arrive without any prior information, because the impact is much greater. In fact, if you will trust me, stop reading this review and buy the book, but I promise not desverlarles anything if you continue to read what follows.

The argument Sukkwan Island, I will say very briefly, revolves around a father and son after much time apart, they go to spend a year to a remote island in Alaska, where there are more people that two of them. What the father has planned as a a perfect season to approach your child begins to twist when the teen discovers that her father shows an unexpected and puzzling attitude. The frustration of the parent and child anxiety that this experience will be too stifling for both.

Sukkwan Island is a novel for a long time, as part of a process personal enrichment of the writer. What is narrated here is the fictional portrayal of the anguish felt over the years David Vann for a fact that he lived as a young man (and it is better to discover it on their own once they read the novel). I will not give more details of the book, because I assure you, once you have read, feel the desire to know the author and, when searching the web, what Sukkwan decubrirán Island has led to David Vann (then more will be caught, if possible, for this story.)

novel is a brilliant, brutal, addictive and probably tell you that crucial time. If I have to highlight the three or four jewels of 2010, Sukkwan Island would be by law one that would not raise any doubt. And by the way, I suspect that has not had to be easy to translate this novel, because obvious that requires pinpoint accuracy (Francesc Rovira Daniel Gascon Catalan and in Castilian translators have been dealing with this test fire).

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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' I did not come to say a discourse ', Gabriel García Márquez

I am not here to make a speech Gabriel García Márquez

Mondadori Editorial
1st edition, October 2010
Genre: Speeches Nonfiction

154 pages ISBN: 9788439723530

Although the title of this book suggests that what Gabriel García Márquez is not intended to give a speech, the truth is that what we find here is a collection of twenty-two speeches that the giant of Latin American literature has been given over of his life. Among the selected texts, we find the one he gave in 1982 when he delivered the Nobel Prize, one of 1944, while still a student 17 years old and already showed signs, a reflection of 1970 in Caracas, on how he began to write and even a clarion call to save the planet from abuse which are made from natural resources.

What we found in I am not here to say a speech are not merely reflected in the paper presentations, but they make an interesting addition to delve into the imagination of Gabriel García Márquez. In other words, behind these texts are good (and light) reports that let us know how you think Gabo and what motivates her writing. Especially successful is the speech in which he diagnosed the state of journalism ( Journalism: The best job in the world , 1996) and the wonderful speech-story I started writing (1970), which show precisely the capacity Colombian author to move between reality and fantasy.

Read some of the touches that make this picture. In The cataclysm of Damocles (1986), reflects how the Earth may have needed "three hundred eighty million years to make a rose with no other commitment than to be beautiful, and four geological eras to humans-a Unlike Pithecanthropus-great-grandfather were able to sing better than the birds and die for love "and instead now, at the age of science, we can destroy it all by pressing a button. This speech is not wasted, nor has Loneliness Latin America (1982):
"Poets and beggars, warriors and scoundrels, all creatures of that unbridled reality, we had to ask very little to the imagination, because the biggest challenge for us has been the failure of conventional means to render our lives believable. This, friends, the crux of our solitude "

These texts are filled with such good ideas, worth close to this book, especially if you are a faithful reader of García Márquez. Whether you have read his memoirs, Living to Tell (Mondadori), as if they preferred to stay at the level of fiction (the jewels that are Hundred Years of Solitude, Chronicle of a Death Foretold or Love in the Time of Cholera ) This book is a good complement to have in our library, next to their titles.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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' The Flood ', Yevgueni Zamiatin

Yevgeny Zamyatin
Editions Alfabia
1st edition, May 2010
Translation Marta Rebón
Gender: Relatively long
85 pages
ISBN: 9788493794309

Russia has so many brilliant writers throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, it seems that Gogol, Gorky, Pasternak, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Chekhov, among others, have overshadowed the work of excellent writers of the last century, which appear more blurred when we talk about Russian literature. That and Stalinism blocking the career of a few authors. Zamyatin chose to leave their country before the picture was coming (he died in Paris in 1937, 53 years). Indeed, the last thing before leaving was published this short novel rather long story, entitled Flooding. Uploaded

a strong symbolism, Flooding focuses on the inner struggle of a woman, Sophie, who lives in St. Petersburg with an authoritarian husband is afraid to lose if you become pregnant soon. The design problems are erased when it seems that marriage decides Ganka care, the young daughter of a neighbor who has just died. But what to Sofia was a source of tranquility quickly becomes a tragedy when her husband, Trofim Ivanovich, you feel an uncontrollable desire for Ganka that has nothing to do with parent-child bonds.

Title ( The flood ) refers to the overflowing of the river Neva, which takes place in the novel and causing several deaths, but mainly refers to the anguish contained in Sofia that threatens to boil over at any time. The social portrait of the author of this marriage is also like a river is flowing and soaking each of the characters in the novel: each of them adds to the drama of Sofia, but most do without realizing it. The novel is read in one breath, but despite its brevity, The flood contains all the ingredients to deserve their place among the key titles of the twentieth century Russian literature.

If you have not read Zamyatin, I recommend Flooding and, if you like, excellent dystopian novel We (Akal, 2008), who wrote in 1921, long before Aldous Huxley wrote A world Happy (1932) and George Orwell 1984 (1948). It appears that both authors owe much to Zamyatin.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Nose Piercing Brampton

' The year of the plague / The year of plague, "Pastor Mark

The year of the plague / The year of the plague
Marc Shepherd
Editorial Granada / RBA
1st edition, 2010
Genre: Novel fantastic

360 pages ISBN: 9788482649887 (Cat.)
ISBN: 9788498678437 (cast.)

If there is one thing that has shown us with Pastor Marc year of the plague that he is the author of a particular genre. He began his literary career with Montecristo (Proa, 2007), a novel centered around pressoners escape the concentration camp Mauthaussen; followed with The poor woman (The Granada / RBA, 2008), black novel that he be either the prize Crimes Ink and now presents a science fiction adventure where some commit suicide for no apparent reason grandparents and Víctor Negro worker social begins to sniff that something strange happens, especially when he sees that all the deaths were a plant eucalyptus home.

First of all it's worth to note that comparisons between year of the plague and The bad woman is a mistake, because novels are very different. The beginning of this last book is very much like the movie The incidente M. Night Shyamalan (one in which a virus caused strange behavior in people committing suicide until the end). This, for those who have seen the f ilm , already represents a small handicap, and it can seem that history tells us that Mark Shepherd as we know it, but you should continue reading to see that the novel installed beyond. In year of the plague, the author draws on several films (The invasion of Los Ladrones de cuerpos directed by Don Siegel), books ( Soy Legend, Richard Matheson) and several songs, making this work a curious cultural mix that perfectly defines the personality of Mark Shepherd.

The problem I see in this novel is that of the 360 \u200b\u200bpages you have, most are more dedicated to Victor Black (as he thinks, how it relates ...) who own the plague and its effects. In addition, the reader begins to have data on the magnitude of this invasion until nearly page 150, when it is clear that not really a human issue is causing suicides (also on page 90 to know that only a Grandma has died and many people have been fond of eucalyptus plants).

is undeniable, however, that Marc Shepherd writes with much credit, in a quite natural that the reader appreciates, especially because the novel is full of film references, literary and music that make reading very quickly. But still, in this case it was not enough to have me glued to the plot, because when you already familiar with the prose (flawless), you start to need to have more action and pace, something that missed. From page 214, one hopes that some situations occur that do not reach the voltage and the denouement is as open as the novel itself.

Manel Haro