Many of us are fascinated to read a book or listening to someone when we talk about issues consciousness and what it brings, with the mind and domain. But those who actually take part in the matter of change are very few . Most go to seminars, a psychiatrist, psychologist, his "master" spiritual, then return to the kind of life they had before. Be aware requires venture, going beyond the world of fitness and delve into the spiritual, to leap, leaving what you're doing right now and start from scratch, to meet you. Mystical?, Not realistic.
To be good, to be yourself, to put the past to accept life, to bring the power of your inner you must be brave. You should try to leave your mental habits toxic, you face yourself, must challenge the illusion of fear, when you get to find a way to do it, you step. Gradually, something extraordinary is happening, you go and releasing the energy of your interior is out of the way you want. Are part of your situation, your lifestyle.
fears disappear gradually, but the most important needs by introducing you to follow yourself. To defy the laws of matter you must face death. Feeling that death is not the end and if it is, so be it. Living with fear of death leads us to the darkness, a darkness of our being. Fear dominates our lives, we are puppets which we live. Uncontrolled emotions, disturbing thoughts, needs created, creators toxic symptoms of disease.
Enter the world of consciousness frees you in part, helps you know how life works, but you're still connected to your body, the pain does not disappear, but gradually fades and there comes a time when things that seem to cease to be important. It is at that moment when you realize that your purpose is very different than you thought, is that moment when you see life through the eyes of the truth, the eyes of your feelings. Maturity / experience and consciousness in a single being.
born your purpose
Your purpose goes beyond that which you know you are not satisfied. Your purpose is to make conscious therefore be the same, therefore bring to life what you are. You've always sense something different, to create through music, painting, writing, carpentry, design, teaching, etc.
Your purpose is to share , is involved in the chain of life is created. When you do your pipes are blocked energy, you lose your energy on things that are not you, so you send it and returned as negative. The lost and not return, disease, mental and physical deterioration, disconnecting your spirit appears. You do not realize, is staged, but when the time you're weak, lost, sick. Without realizing it you getting close to what you fear most: death.
How do I know what my purpose?
You know, just that you're afraid to make the great power that you and in you. Until you overcome it, until you realize it's not real, you are bound to suffer. PS
Write, read, talk, listen, it's easy. The hard part is doing what inside us calls us and I am willing to do so. I am willing to die if necessary, but I have very clear. I go for my purpose, have the potholes that I have the up, skirting, jump away. If it fall, but I get, so be it.
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