RBA Editores / The Magrana
1 edition, 2010
Genre: Detective Novel
359 pages ISBN: 9788498678482 (cast.)
ISBN: 9788482649948 (cat.)
Arnaldur Indridason returns to the fray with its star character, Erlendur Sveinsson, a police marked by the disappearance of his brother when they were young, living separately and with a little fluid with their children. In Lake Man has to investigate the appearance of a skeleton in Lake Kleifarvatn, discovered an old Soviet radio transmitter attached to the foot. The plot suggests two research: first, to know who the body and, second, find out who the murderer.
For those who do not know enough yet Erlendur police say it's a rather lonely off very similar to Henning Mankell's Kurt Wallander, whose type and characterizations are, especially in this novel, quite similar. The way

A novel lacks tension and dynamism and boring you can spare some situations, such as those in which the author repeats again and again tirelessly Erlendur the trauma of the disappearance of his brother long ago or the type of relationship has with his sons, even for the reader faces for the first time details Indridason end up being repetitive and, valuing the whole of his work, nothing new about the characters. In addition, the novel is full of pointless dialogue, something unusual in the author, which helps even more to the feeling that the novel is constantly aground.