Marta Pessarrodona
Editorial Meteora
1st edition, 2010
Genre: Nonfiction / History
280 pages ISBN: 9788492874279 (Cat.)
ISBN: 9788492874286 (cast.)
Marta Pessarrodona talk back from exile, but this time it does focus on women artists and writers who had to leave Catalonia when the Civil War ended. Although this book has received several accolades and, indeed, is one of the candidates Terenci Moix International Awards in the category of trial (Ana Maria Moix, sister of Terence, was one of those who defended this book through the newspaper Publico ), I must say that for me, purple Exile is a profoundly bad book raised.
Let me explain. First, I see Marta Pessarrodona certain disregard to the reader who is not of their generation or that it has many historical notions literary and like her. The author writes as if there were a reader on the other side, in fact she was quoting all the time without ever explaining who is talking or what you are talking, forcing the reader to be continually looking appendices and that makes very heavy reading. Many times people only talk Pessarrodona quoting the name and without giving many details about who they were and how much she believes, not everyone can continue reading with certain guarantees (especially since some names do not even go to Appendices). An example: on page 105 begins to speak of and JARE until page 110, the author did not occur to him to explain what they mean these acronyms! It was easier to explain (albeit in a footnote) to the same page 105 per put things easier for the reader, knowing that this does not appear in the appendices?
This problem is compounded because the author dispenses with a narrative that, while a trial is necessary to go tying ideas. Pessarrodona prefer to talk about many different things while in a few pages and chapters are not then the next, but each author goes to a completely different topic. Pessarrodona appointment quickly the relationship of women with different institutions to complete in 1939 confirming that they have into exile, but without explaining many features and very little depth on the experiences of each. What do we, then, if not encyclopedic collection that gives us the opportunity to learn the wanderings of the Catalan artists beyond a simple listing of dates and facts?
As if this were not enough, the prose is too warped Pessarrodona and this makes reading even more dense. And a question was really necessary to say so many times "active female presence" or "female visibility? Every time I read "female", it seemed that I refer to the animal world. At the end of the book I feel it is more enlightening appendix the remainder of l'Assaig, i aquesta ja sensation in the vaig tenir l'anterior llibre de Pessarrodona, França 1939: exiled Catalan culture (Ara Llibres). Vaig that neither could finish.
Let me explain. First, I see Marta Pessarrodona certain disregard to the reader who is not of their generation or that it has many historical notions literary and like her. The author writes as if there were a reader on the other side, in fact she was quoting all the time without ever explaining who is talking or what you are talking, forcing the reader to be continually looking appendices and that makes very heavy reading. Many times people only talk Pessarrodona quoting the name and without giving many details about who they were and how much she believes, not everyone can continue reading with certain guarantees (especially since some names do not even go to Appendices). An example: on page 105 begins to speak of and JARE until page 110, the author did not occur to him to explain what they mean these acronyms! It was easier to explain (albeit in a footnote) to the same page 105 per put things easier for the reader, knowing that this does not appear in the appendices?
This problem is compounded because the author dispenses with a narrative that, while a trial is necessary to go tying ideas. Pessarrodona prefer to talk about many different things while in a few pages and chapters are not then the next, but each author goes to a completely different topic. Pessarrodona appointment quickly the relationship of women with different institutions to complete in 1939 confirming that they have into exile, but without explaining many features and very little depth on the experiences of each. What do we, then, if not encyclopedic collection that gives us the opportunity to learn the wanderings of the Catalan artists beyond a simple listing of dates and facts?
As if this were not enough, the prose is too warped Pessarrodona and this makes reading even more dense. And a question was really necessary to say so many times "active female presence" or "female visibility? Every time I read "female", it seemed that I refer to the animal world. At the end of the book I feel it is more enlightening appendix the remainder of l'Assaig, i aquesta ja sensation in the vaig tenir l'anterior llibre de Pessarrodona, França 1939: exiled Catalan culture (Ara Llibres). Vaig that neither could finish.
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