marine With a father, a housewife mother (typically American) and three brothers, born homosexual did not seem the best possible arrangements for an easy life. Fear lurked constantly but Josh McNey , who lived the traditional family in Westlake Village (outside of Los Angeles), would not give up.

At 18 he enlisted in the Navy and for over seven years under the policy under ' Do not Ask, Do not Tell ', McNey came to photography as a way to combat this fear to be different and do not look the same side.
( At 18, I have listed in the U.S. Marines and for over seven years under the purview of the policy "Do not Ask, Do Not Tell ' , McNey meat to photography as a way to combat this fear to be different and do not look the same side).
“Being afraid of my sexuality made me afraid to stare. I didn’t want to be ‘caught’ looking at guys. I think this teenage strategy of visual chastity made it all the more urgent that I find a way to legitimize staring. Photography became for me both an apparatus and a metaphor for coming out as a gay man. Showing the work is one more step in that direction”.

(Since then he discovered photography was much more than a simple artistic language, finding the best channel behind which to vent his feelings, emotions ... Classmates, gymnasts, lovers, professional 'bull riders', everyday scenes and strange that show the strength or weakness in front of their routines, became the primary key of his work).

(Now, for the first time until June 9, McNey presented his first exhibition of photographs at Casa de Costa (11, Stone Street. 6th floor in Lower Manhattan). 'Protect from Light' becomes a journey through more than 30 unpublished photographs as an open diary which discusses human relationships, the desire for expansion and the constant quest for freedom. An intimate collection that shares with the audience the vulnerability which reinforces behind the camera and where, at last, find the light ... this time, no longer scared).

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