Monday, January 31, 2011

Calories In A Bag Of Pop Secret Popcorn

' Falling Free 'Rosa Ribas

In fall open
Rosa Ribas

Diff Editorial
1st edition, January 2011
Genre: Novel Black
350 site
ISBN: 9788492819560

New Case curator of the criminal Cornelia Weber-Weaver, the star character of the Catalan writer based in Frankfurt Rosa Ribas. On this occasion, Cornelia has to investigate a drug smuggling ring that operates internationally and whose point of entry into Germany is the Frankfurt airport transitadísimo. The accidental death of an employee cleaning a ladder falling and the appearance of the corpse of a young woman with the open belly make the police operation is active. Cornelia, overwhelmed by his personal situation, he decides to escape from their daily infiltrate the gang of smugglers at the risk of being recognized by some criminal.

The murders in this novel are just the spark that lit the real engine that drives the plot: the network of drug trafficking case that was handled by Cornelia Weber-Weaver. By this I mean that the reader knows from the start who are the criminals because the author puts on the front pages. Ribas What is the game really offers is whether the Commissioner will get his way, or have to leave half the work, whether there will be no more death or will be, who is behind the network and, most importantly, what moves people seemingly innocent crime.

Ribas What counts in the novel is what really happens at several airports in the world. Without going further, were arrested a few weeks ago several Barajas workers for the same reason that investigates Weber-Weaver in In free fall. For that reason, the novel is particularly attractive because it allows us to answer questions when we are probably never going to catch a plane: the man who could help us be a dealer? Is the woman who cleans the plane is a simple housewife who does his job or the job is an excuse to cover a much larger source of income? Fiction thrives on reality, but sometimes both coexist in time and it seems that even the first to anticipate the second.

In free fall is read at a stretch, because the story is perfectly feasible real life and thanks to that Ribas has chosen this time to focus more on the characters in the plot too complicated and perhaps away from the likelihood. I enjoyed reading this new case of Weber-Weaver Commissioner because the author has made me the star next to investigating and taking risks. I hope with great expectation the next adventure.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Crouse Hindscamlock Installation

'Jade Princess' Coia

Princess Jade
Coia Valls
Suma de Letras / Columna Edicions
1st edició in Castilian, January 2011
1st edition in Catalan, October , 2010
Genre: Historical fiction

360 pages ISBN: 9788483652121 (cast.)
ISBN: 9788466411196 (cat.)

Coia Valls writer has debuted on the adult literature with the novel Jade Princess, which has won the Prize of historical genre Néstor Luján. Here, the writer offers us a journey from Corinth to China accompanying a group of characters who aim to get the secret of silk, to fulfill the last wish of Theodora, the wife of Justinian, Emperor of Byzantium.

Princess jade is more an adventure story in the context of the year 551, a historical novel itself, since, in reality, the historical incidents appear only at the beginning (when the group receives the order of Justinian) and end (when they come to China). The rest, the bulk of the novel, is a journey goes on either side of the world where the story revolves around the experiences of these characters (and especially how it relates n among them), but there is no many leaks historical (data or facts) beyond descriptions of the landscapes they encounter. This makes reading very fast and, Indeed, one of the successes of the author, leaving aside what is not really necessary because the characters do not have time to waste in each city they walk.

As a reader, I have to say that Coia Valls has made me feel flyer with this novel, and although this is his literary debut, it is undeniable narrative solvency and especially its ability to evoke many exotic NDOS and, in turn, make the reader an active part of history. However, I have to mention a couple of aspects that, to me, fail to Princess Jade.

The first is that I see female characters very underutilized. The first woman to appear (Najaah) is too much in the background throughout the novel and the real impact is in a couple of very specific occasions. And second, the headlines that the work has a very short appearance, and above all, leads to very implausible situations. In fact, the entire third of the novel (the outcome) is rather weak and does not match the pace of the rest of the story. Perhaps the author wanted to go with a more commercial end and exotic, and that, readers stories we like to believe us, causes us some sense of disappointment. In any case, Princess Jade has made me have a good reading time and I am sure that Coia Valls give us great stories in the future.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dead Spots On An Lcd Screen

Valleys 'A season in Venice', Włodzimierz Odojewski

A Season in Venice
Włodzimierz Odojewski Editorial
1st edition, May 2009
Trad. Katarzyna Olszewska Sonnenberg
Genre: Novel

108 pages ISBN: 9788495587510

This short novel by Polish Włodzimierz Odojewski part of a great idea: Marek, a child of nine years, wants his mother to drive Venice, the city of his dreams, to enjoy canals and palaces as seen in pictures. But she decides that it is good time to take that trip, so I carried with her aunt in a cottage. There, which in principle is boring will become similar to what Marek expect to find in Venice. The year is 1939 and the first bombs of World War II begin to fall over Poland.

The premise, as I said, it's brilliant that here is evocative of fantasy with some children, during wartime, all I want is to have the best possible. Their families are in the fantasy percisamente a good way to distract the children in an exercise very similar to Robert Benigni did in Life Is Beautiful (1997) three years before writing this novel Odojewski (2000). However, I must say that although the idea is very exciting and although in the novel there are occasional brutal image, overall I found it too heavy reading.

Although a short novel, some passages are longer too due to some moments when it seems that the rhythm is stopped at the mercy of the author descriptions of certain situations, and that could have been solved with less recreation. I understand that the author was looking for a story where impose imagination to reality, but to finish enjoying the novel, had required and that other kinds of Planteamiento Odojewski no hubiese tanto en las imágenes confident that both describe with detail on everything that has teniendo esa idea in the imagination of the enzyme by us is already reality Demasiado familiar.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Learn Speak Russian Mw2

'The man who slept in the car, "Barral

The man who slept in the car
Nile Barral (pseudonym)
Publisher Amsterdam
1st edition, January 2011
Genre: Novel Black

137 pages ISBN: 9788493687939

Amsterdam editorial just published The man who slept in the car , black novel signed Nil by Barral, pseudonym, as reported and supposedly his own publishing company, one of the writers' most respected country. " We do not know who he is, nor if one day we will say so. For now, it seems to follow the marketing strategies that have given good results as other aliases in the past (Enrique Moriel, Joseph Gelinek or Andres Vidal, to name a few).

The novel is starring Nile Barral (which also gives name to the author of the book), employee of an insurance company that aims to try that customers do not cover the policies taken out . When a man appears dead in the car where he was living, Barral avariguar to look if it was the woman who killed her husband. It is a short novel (137 pages) with a very loose plot, for the style, pointing to more youth to adult gender (except a few sentences that leave the stone as "shake him [ a fold of paper] in the air, as if her daughter's hymen. "Ouch, right?).

Although The man who slept in the car is published as a crime novel, the truth is that this kind requires much more than the mere fact that there is a corpse and a very superficial investigation part of a detective, journalist or employee of an insurer. I am very surprised that really hiding behind this work one of the "most renowned writers of our country" (although the word "recognized" is ambiguous.) Perhaps this is one of those novels that many authors have written and forgotten in the drawer waiting for that one day an editor do with the sales recover under a good marketing strategy (in this case, the mystery surrounding the pseudonym).

I wonder if Andrew Martin (Recent Award Pepe Carvalho and therefore reference person within the genre) think seriously what it says on the cover of the book or is participating in the game, "the detective novel most brilliant and witty that I read last year (?). The man who allegedly slept in the car is the first crime novel of the "author recognized" and also is the first installment of a series starring this character. This is called blind faith in a project.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How To Masterbate A Womanb

Nile' kitchen and floor of the Vall de Boi '

kitchen and floor of the Vall de Boi / cuisine and landscape of Vall de Boi
Albert Text Moyes Farrero
Illustrations Alex Fraguas
Editorial Meteora
1st edition, November 2010
Gènere: Turisme / Gastronomia
144 pàgines
ISBN: 9788492874255 (cat.)
ISBN: 9788492874262 (cast.)

A qui no li agrada fer escapades de cap de setmana per la Catalunya interior i trobar-se amb festes locals o gaudir de la gastronomia de poble (aquella on fins i tot el pa amb tomàquet és diferent i més bo que a la ciutat)? L'editorial Meteora ens proposa una guia molt exhaustiva sobre la Vall de Boí (Alta Ribagorça), un punt de trobada pels amants de la bona cuina casolana i la natura en estat pur.

El llibre està estructurat en quatre capítols que es corresponen amb les estacions de l'any. Cadascuna d'elles fa un repàs a les seves peculiarities: for example, in the spring are the awakening of nature and some traditions like the carnival or Way of the Cross, we propose the summer festivals in the mountains, local festivities, a good walk through National Park Tortes and Sant Maurici Lake and even enjoy the faults, to reflect the autumn, the authors tell us about the hunt, the ski Boi Taull or a review that will delight the mushroom pickers; last winter we slaughter bacon or a stay to feel the cold snow.

kitchen and floor of the Vall de Boi is a guide that looks even the slightest detail and is very special culinary recipes, also divided by seasons: cod bittersweet arm Fabiola (sweet), the stuffed trout, chicken with mushrooms, mushroom cannelloni fretxinat or (what good that should be this dish). Incidentally, Alex Fraguas has been commissioned to do some illegal encertadíssimes lu stracions more attractive to the recipe.

The book is one of those volumes and comely to look Remiro to which we can use to make multiple trips to the Vall de Boi. To complete the good work of authors and publishers of Meteora, the guide has a calendar of important dates, tips for travelers, introductions and historical heritage of the area and very good pictures to show us the richness of the Vall de Boi. Do you have a look and see that you can not be in the car and walked there. Bon voyage and bon appetite then!