Nile Barral (pseudonym)
Publisher Amsterdam
1st edition, January 2011
Genre: Novel Black
137 pages ISBN: 9788493687939
Amsterdam editorial just published The man who slept in the car , black novel signed Nil by Barral, pseudonym, as reported and supposedly his own publishing company, one of the writers' most respected country. " We do not know who he is, nor if one day we will say so. For now, it seems to follow the marketing strategies that have given good results as other aliases in the past (Enrique Moriel, Joseph Gelinek or Andres Vidal, to name a few).
The novel is starring Nile Barral (which also gives name to the author of the book), employee of an insurance company that aims to try that customers do not cover the policies taken out . When a man appears dead in the car where he was living, Barral avariguar to look if it was the woman who killed her husband. It is a short novel (137 pages) with a very loose plot, for the style, pointing to more youth to adult gender (except a few sentences that leave the stone as "shake him [ a fold of paper] in the air, as if her daughter's hymen. "Ouch, right?).
Although The man who slept in the car is published as a crime novel, the truth is that this kind requires much more than the mere fact that there is a corpse and a very superficial investigation part of a detective, journalist or employee of an insurer. I am very surprised that really hiding behind this work one of the "most renowned writers of our country" (although the word "recognized" is ambiguous.) Perhaps this is one of those novels that many authors have written and forgotten in the drawer waiting for that one day an editor do with the sales recover under a good marketing strategy (in this case, the mystery surrounding the pseudonym).
I wonder if Andrew Martin (Recent Award Pepe Carvalho and therefore reference person within the genre) think seriously what it says on the cover of the book or is participating in the game, "the detective novel most brilliant and witty that I read last year (?). The man who allegedly slept in the car is the first crime novel of the "author recognized" and also is the first installment of a series starring this character. This is called blind faith in a project.
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