Albert Text Moyes Farrero
Illustrations Alex Fraguas
Editorial Meteora
1st edition, November 2010
Gènere: Turisme / Gastronomia
144 pàgines
ISBN: 9788492874255 (cat.)
ISBN: 9788492874262 (cast.)
A qui no li agrada fer escapades de cap de setmana per la Catalunya interior i trobar-se amb festes locals o gaudir de la gastronomia de poble (aquella on fins i tot el pa amb tomàquet és diferent i més bo que a la ciutat)? L'editorial Meteora ens proposa una guia molt exhaustiva sobre la Vall de Boí (Alta Ribagorça), un punt de trobada pels amants de la bona cuina casolana i la natura en estat pur.
El llibre està estructurat en quatre capítols que es corresponen amb les estacions de l'any. Cadascuna d'elles fa un repàs a les seves peculiarities: for example, in the spring are the awakening of nature and some traditions like the carnival or Way of the Cross, we propose the summer festivals in the mountains, local festivities, a good
walk through National Park Tortes and Sant Maurici Lake and even enjoy the faults, to reflect the autumn, the authors tell us about the hunt, the ski Boi Taull or a review that will delight the mushroom pickers; last winter we slaughter bacon or a stay to feel the cold snow.
kitchen and floor of the Vall de Boi is a guide that looks even the slightest detail and is very special culinary recipes, also divided by seasons: cod bittersweet arm Fabiola (sweet), the stuffed trout, chicken with mushrooms, mushroom cannelloni fretxinat or (what good that should be this dish). Incidentally, Alex Fraguas has been commissioned to do some illegal encertadíssimes lu
stracions more attractive to the recipe.
The book is one of those volumes and comely to look Remiro to which we can use to make multiple trips to the Vall de Boi. To complete the good work of authors and publishers of Meteora, the guide has a calendar of important dates, tips for travelers, introductions and historical heritage of the area and very good pictures to show us the richness of the Vall de Boi. Do you have a look and see that you can not be in the car and walked there. Bon voyage and bon appetite then!
El llibre està estructurat en quatre capítols que es corresponen amb les estacions de l'any. Cadascuna d'elles fa un repàs a les seves peculiarities: for example, in the spring are the awakening of nature and some traditions like the carnival or Way of the Cross, we propose the summer festivals in the mountains, local festivities, a good

kitchen and floor of the Vall de Boi is a guide that looks even the slightest detail and is very special culinary recipes, also divided by seasons: cod bittersweet arm Fabiola (sweet), the stuffed trout, chicken with mushrooms, mushroom cannelloni fretxinat or (what good that should be this dish). Incidentally, Alex Fraguas has been commissioned to do some illegal encertadíssimes lu

The book is one of those volumes and comely to look Remiro to which we can use to make multiple trips to the Vall de Boi. To complete the good work of authors and publishers of Meteora, the guide has a calendar of important dates, tips for travelers, introductions and historical heritage of the area and very good pictures to show us the richness of the Vall de Boi. Do you have a look and see that you can not be in the car and walked there. Bon voyage and bon appetite then!
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