Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What Happens When You Brush Tongue Too Hard

Fight High self-esteem all you have

decisions, bad times, things that happen that do not depend on us. Do not let all that you lie and decide for yourself / a, Take heed to your heart and move on. It is not easy, I too hard, I fear I have, but we must try.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Can You Get A Tattoo If You Have Ringworm

Sadness Builder

Being disciplined means taking steps to improve yourself, to evolve, to find you. Do you think you do enough?, In your deep down you know that you can do even more, you can feed you better, you can spend less, you better treat people who are close to you, you can do more sport, you can love you more, you can offer more. But things should not be a strain. When something costs so much is because your mind still dominates your steps. To make things right, you feel within yourself to do it correctly is the only way to succeed, but not in the world but yourself. You need not be worthy of anything in the eyes of others, things you must respect them for yourself. Strive a little more, away from the self that dwells in you listless and releasing energy that is endless in your heart. When you begin to feel connected to yourself, things do not cost, you know that is the way to your purpose. Love is an energy that fills you, if you can live in love with everything around you, the state that will produce the feeling you'll be amazed. And never want another.

- Guillermo Furio, conscious acts

This is not writing for you, I write both. You and I are bound together by an invisible form in the same way: moving. Long ago I told you I do not want your attention, I wish I could help you appreciate and take out everything that is in you, away the fears that hinder you to be you, to live joyfully and without fear of what will come tomorrow. To get something we act, we must analyze, reflect, make a stop on the road and see where we are, where we go, we want, how we feel, who we are, we've done. Be aware of is that, being relaxed, feel, feel to the side, be aware of every change, enjoy.

how we use often is harmful, we are the ones who dug the hole early. Living dead is to live sad, choked live is to live immersed in the problems we created. Identification with the unreal thinking, believing and manifesting something now that has not yet been produced is one of our worst tools. Something that has not happened, There is no point. Something happened and will not happen again and if it happens, so be it. We can not live intimidated, we can not live cornered, caged, imprisoned. We can not die before time, we can not lose a moment in nonsense. We can not keep complaining, we can not continue to generate bad atmosphere around us.

We and our use of our minds is the largest generator of sadness there. How

generate sadness you speak of?

Do I have to remind you when something is in place do not stop thinking about it and generate sadness?. For example, when you expect a call, when you expect a yes in an interview work, when you remember something when you fear the worst from happening. When you use your mind to conjure up situations that are exempt from this time are generating fears. Living in fear creates confusion, anxiety, all this affects your mood. No longer do things with love, joy, when there is no joy, as a rule there is sadness.

Yes, you, yourself responsible for a time in your state, not someone do something, to act in their own way should not affect you. Why?, Because it is their choice to fight it creates sadness, anger, revenge. That person must choose and grow by itself, you walk away, do not affect you over the bill.

It is very easy to say, but when family, friends or partner hurts

Yes, it hurts, but you must be above all this, your heart must be strong, you deserve respect, deserve to be happy. I know now you're fighting me, is that you do not think you understand, but I too have suffered, I cried, we stand united, remember?. We must do more, not enough. We can do this, we must generate sadness.

When the last breath comes, you should feel proud, your heart must be intact, strong, united to you. You feel the greatness inside you, you must protect as much, you are all have. You are alone and share your life, but do not depend, not need, do not look, do not wait. Live, let things take their course.

PS Life is not an easy road, but it is more difficult if we put additional potholes. Do not let your mind is mastered, use all your wisdom, use what you know. You can get master your feelings, your emotions. You only need to pay attention to unconsciousness and detect what is real and what is not.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Gold Rates In Mustafa In Singapore


First of all, to say that that statement is not a threat, something that after I decided to write many copies, because you get tired. Perhaps the people who copy do so more people will also read, but if you like something, send the link and go. Take on your site to put a title followed by text and signed by you, conveys that you are the creator of that entry.
I share and I'm with you, but I think it is disrespectful to what I do. And the last thing I'll leave it to happen.

If you intend to copy my writings whole or any sentence, put sources and comunicate with me. 'll Ever see a copy of something in my blog, you will never see similarities, it all comes from my hands. Something I put someone's hand leads to its origin.

not the first time you see them as people copy and paste entire text of the blog on their pages and pretend to be something they are not.
You know what bothers me?, If those people who copy and paste, I wonder what are they?, Would you be?, That causes confusion and damage. And that, really, I do not like anything. Because it is not helping at all.

Do you like what I write?, Perfect, you want to share?, Fine, but respect the time I spend and the work that I at least put origin of writing. And above all, respect for people seeking help and understanding, because whoever does this is not within who copy and paste, but it came from and who can give an answer that has to do with writing is that it carries.
you doing this haceis The damage, though ye believe not. Many are you doing in good faith, but maybe you equivoqueis. If I read something about Tarot, for example, who do I go?, Its author. Some of the law of attraction, some of Consciousness, Ego, of any therapy, what we want, even to those who know.

Here you copied and pasted writings on this page:
copied Written: Fixed
(author to erase what he picked 'borrowed')
(author to erase what he picked 'borrowed')

The others did, and talked to them in their day and everything was, I think, solved, because I will not be investigating who take something or not, but I have come here by chance and looks at the destination. Internet
free site, but like everything else, there are some common sense laws are carried out.

PS I talked to Patrick and everything is solved, should not be misunderstandings or bad feelings, but we must respect. This site is free, take what you want it, but remember to greet the author, not only for me, also for everyone who writes and works. Recognize their work means that other people can access those sites and perhaps, learn things and get useful information. If I grab something of yours and put a link to your page who knows, maybe we're helping others to know how big you

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Butterfly Theme Wedding Sayings

You take care with your environment, or are you more strong that he or it ends up with you. Around you are your friends, your family, your job, your hobbies, some will provide what is necessary to complete yourself, others, not you know it, you can go drown in the darkness of your being. But the fault is not theirs, it's yours, not to watch, not to detect, not to face and say no when necessary, or saying yes when fear is holding you back. In addition to your environment, are also your dark areas, anger, envy, wanting to have more fun through vices like drugs, gambling, or other entertainment. We must not flee to the mountains, but if you need to balance what you should do often, with what you should do every once in a while. Stay tuned, do not be fooled, do not make the mistake of not knowing which path you are following.

- Guillermo Furio, conscious acts

Each of us work out our future with our actions, where we plant our seeds is where you pick our fruit. Unfortunately, making money is becoming a more difficult task, no competition at all and there are few new things invent. It is therefore very important that you struggle to know how big that is in you, because believe it or not, you have something that stands out. Once you find what you are, the surroundings open and things come to you and expect, even money. Knowing how to find the flame of your inner worth, will take time, but the fruits that come will be very satisfactory: friendship, love, new opportunities, etc.

Many complain of the kind of life you have, where they finished, but few stop to think and analyze the reasons for your state. Do not blame anyone but yourself. Do not crush more than necessary, because you do not get anything. Do not dwell, because surrender is the last option. Inside you there is a warrior who never runs away, there's an energy that is always on, is your heart that speaks. But there is too much noise, too much celebration, too much immaturity.

the problems we create ourselves through poor decisions or failing that, to give importance to things that do not. The basic things in humans are food, household, clothing and personal satisfactions last stay. When you have the first three things you can go to find a job that meets or recreational activities, but until then, unfortunately, we try to have the three first floor.

If your case is to have everything in place, you can not complain, you can not be wrong for a moment, you're part of the way done, so not worth me excuses, I'm not worth the "I have no desire," "I'm sad," "I can not." Because then you are not worthy of life that has given you. You begin to feel that you have no problems whatsoever. You let your partner is a joy, since you know the truth. You pull your work can be for various reasons that differ greatly from the typical answer "I have mania," I am an unfortunate. "

Our only problem is dealing with ourselves, is to share the pain of an illness of a close. So far, little more. Begin to give importance to things that are worthwhile, the rest does not hold back no time in your life. Listen to your interior every time it takes and brings out the warrior in you. Fight with all you have to be yourself, happy and complete.

What's your problem now?, What do not you call your boy or girl?, What you can not go out tonight?, Do not have the latest console?, Do we want a new phone?. I think we are mature enough to know that those are not problems, just going for money is not a problem. Anything that has a solution is not a problem.

can not be sad, you can not be angry, you can not feel unhappy, you can not feel inferior, you can not feel envy, you can not feel anything negative. Why what, because it is not productive, because it is not only in your mind. Work hard, go install it on the head: no problems.

PS You are lucky to be alive, and take advantage of it and leave complaining and whining. No, no but. "But then you're not in my situation," but is that you do not have to pay what I "," but that ...". My life is as easy as I want it to be. More joy and less pain.