Saturday, September 12, 2009

Butterfly Theme Wedding Sayings

You take care with your environment, or are you more strong that he or it ends up with you. Around you are your friends, your family, your job, your hobbies, some will provide what is necessary to complete yourself, others, not you know it, you can go drown in the darkness of your being. But the fault is not theirs, it's yours, not to watch, not to detect, not to face and say no when necessary, or saying yes when fear is holding you back. In addition to your environment, are also your dark areas, anger, envy, wanting to have more fun through vices like drugs, gambling, or other entertainment. We must not flee to the mountains, but if you need to balance what you should do often, with what you should do every once in a while. Stay tuned, do not be fooled, do not make the mistake of not knowing which path you are following.

- Guillermo Furio, conscious acts

Each of us work out our future with our actions, where we plant our seeds is where you pick our fruit. Unfortunately, making money is becoming a more difficult task, no competition at all and there are few new things invent. It is therefore very important that you struggle to know how big that is in you, because believe it or not, you have something that stands out. Once you find what you are, the surroundings open and things come to you and expect, even money. Knowing how to find the flame of your inner worth, will take time, but the fruits that come will be very satisfactory: friendship, love, new opportunities, etc.

Many complain of the kind of life you have, where they finished, but few stop to think and analyze the reasons for your state. Do not blame anyone but yourself. Do not crush more than necessary, because you do not get anything. Do not dwell, because surrender is the last option. Inside you there is a warrior who never runs away, there's an energy that is always on, is your heart that speaks. But there is too much noise, too much celebration, too much immaturity.

the problems we create ourselves through poor decisions or failing that, to give importance to things that do not. The basic things in humans are food, household, clothing and personal satisfactions last stay. When you have the first three things you can go to find a job that meets or recreational activities, but until then, unfortunately, we try to have the three first floor.

If your case is to have everything in place, you can not complain, you can not be wrong for a moment, you're part of the way done, so not worth me excuses, I'm not worth the "I have no desire," "I'm sad," "I can not." Because then you are not worthy of life that has given you. You begin to feel that you have no problems whatsoever. You let your partner is a joy, since you know the truth. You pull your work can be for various reasons that differ greatly from the typical answer "I have mania," I am an unfortunate. "

Our only problem is dealing with ourselves, is to share the pain of an illness of a close. So far, little more. Begin to give importance to things that are worthwhile, the rest does not hold back no time in your life. Listen to your interior every time it takes and brings out the warrior in you. Fight with all you have to be yourself, happy and complete.

What's your problem now?, What do not you call your boy or girl?, What you can not go out tonight?, Do not have the latest console?, Do we want a new phone?. I think we are mature enough to know that those are not problems, just going for money is not a problem. Anything that has a solution is not a problem.

can not be sad, you can not be angry, you can not feel unhappy, you can not feel inferior, you can not feel envy, you can not feel anything negative. Why what, because it is not productive, because it is not only in your mind. Work hard, go install it on the head: no problems.

PS You are lucky to be alive, and take advantage of it and leave complaining and whining. No, no but. "But then you're not in my situation," but is that you do not have to pay what I "," but that ...". My life is as easy as I want it to be. More joy and less pain.


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