Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Can You Get A Tattoo If You Have Ringworm

Sadness Builder

Being disciplined means taking steps to improve yourself, to evolve, to find you. Do you think you do enough?, In your deep down you know that you can do even more, you can feed you better, you can spend less, you better treat people who are close to you, you can do more sport, you can love you more, you can offer more. But things should not be a strain. When something costs so much is because your mind still dominates your steps. To make things right, you feel within yourself to do it correctly is the only way to succeed, but not in the world but yourself. You need not be worthy of anything in the eyes of others, things you must respect them for yourself. Strive a little more, away from the self that dwells in you listless and releasing energy that is endless in your heart. When you begin to feel connected to yourself, things do not cost, you know that is the way to your purpose. Love is an energy that fills you, if you can live in love with everything around you, the state that will produce the feeling you'll be amazed. And never want another.

- Guillermo Furio, conscious acts

This is not writing for you, I write both. You and I are bound together by an invisible form in the same way: moving. Long ago I told you I do not want your attention, I wish I could help you appreciate and take out everything that is in you, away the fears that hinder you to be you, to live joyfully and without fear of what will come tomorrow. To get something we act, we must analyze, reflect, make a stop on the road and see where we are, where we go, we want, how we feel, who we are, we've done. Be aware of is that, being relaxed, feel, feel to the side, be aware of every change, enjoy.

how we use often is harmful, we are the ones who dug the hole early. Living dead is to live sad, choked live is to live immersed in the problems we created. Identification with the unreal thinking, believing and manifesting something now that has not yet been produced is one of our worst tools. Something that has not happened, There is no point. Something happened and will not happen again and if it happens, so be it. We can not live intimidated, we can not live cornered, caged, imprisoned. We can not die before time, we can not lose a moment in nonsense. We can not keep complaining, we can not continue to generate bad atmosphere around us.

We and our use of our minds is the largest generator of sadness there. How

generate sadness you speak of?

Do I have to remind you when something is in place do not stop thinking about it and generate sadness?. For example, when you expect a call, when you expect a yes in an interview work, when you remember something when you fear the worst from happening. When you use your mind to conjure up situations that are exempt from this time are generating fears. Living in fear creates confusion, anxiety, all this affects your mood. No longer do things with love, joy, when there is no joy, as a rule there is sadness.

Yes, you, yourself responsible for a time in your state, not someone do something, to act in their own way should not affect you. Why?, Because it is their choice to fight it creates sadness, anger, revenge. That person must choose and grow by itself, you walk away, do not affect you over the bill.

It is very easy to say, but when family, friends or partner hurts

Yes, it hurts, but you must be above all this, your heart must be strong, you deserve respect, deserve to be happy. I know now you're fighting me, is that you do not think you understand, but I too have suffered, I cried, we stand united, remember?. We must do more, not enough. We can do this, we must generate sadness.

When the last breath comes, you should feel proud, your heart must be intact, strong, united to you. You feel the greatness inside you, you must protect as much, you are all have. You are alone and share your life, but do not depend, not need, do not look, do not wait. Live, let things take their course.

PS Life is not an easy road, but it is more difficult if we put additional potholes. Do not let your mind is mastered, use all your wisdom, use what you know. You can get master your feelings, your emotions. You only need to pay attention to unconsciousness and detect what is real and what is not.


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