To begin sanitized our hands. After
will shape the free edge of the nail with a file 240.
will shape the free edge of the nail with a file 240.

To clean the nail plate of cuticular extensions apply
CND Cuticle Away around the cuticle and sidewalls. We act
two minutes.
CND Cuticle Away around the cuticle and sidewalls. We act
two minutes.

A continuación retiramos toda la celula muerta adherida a la placa de la uña con empujador metálico.

Retiramos el brillo con una lima pulidora Koala buffer por el lado negro/240, para evitar levantamientos.

Aplicamos Brisa bond. (capa muy fina)

Secamos en lámpara 10 segundos.

Aplicamos el molde y ponemos gel de construcción Clear

Secamos en lámpara 2 minutos.

Construimos la francesa in the gel of your choice (this is the very clear with some of Gibran multicolor)
dry them in lamp 2 minutes.

ended the manufacture of the Clear gel nail builder.

Limamos to avoid imperfections.

breezy Paint paint a white line dividing the French and the nail bed.
(breeze paint)
apply to complete cure Brisa Gloss 2 minutes lamp.
we finished putting solar oil.
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