Ramon Solsona
Editorial Proa
1st edition, February 2011
Genre: Novel
295 pages ISBN: 9788475882208
some time, the Catalan literature alive a debate about the appropriateness of using slang in the novel. Should respect the rules and write in a language purely literary authors can resort to barbarisms, which happens so often in spoken language? Although some writers are weighing their works in this field (or Teresa Solana himself Ramon Solsona are a few examples) nobody has done it so clear and direct as Solsona Man of the suitcase, a novel that earned him the Prix St. George, one of the most prestigious awards in literature.
Solsona creates an irritable character, an old man, grumpy, he sees as society became too quickly in what once seemed impossible: homosexual relationships, single parent families, immigration and assimilation very respectful treatment of a child to his grandfather. The speech takes the character all the time, that, firstly, is dedicated to remembering his childhood and youth, and the other, it analyzes their moral values \u200b\u200b(under education he has received), the eyes that see in the XXI century. The man, the suitcase full of a Catalan-speaking Castilianisms too exaggerated that the reader can not look credible and, consequently, away from the character and the novel. Costa
believe that a person says at a time "calling the attention," before "," Applause, "" I had to fight, "ànimos," quent "," chair "," Last Name "," up, "" arrange, "" crime "," etivocar "or" llimpiesa, but especially hard to believe when this person uses the same speech, worship other expressions, for just such a mix too forced. I use the verb "seem" because, given the strict language of the author, no one knows if he spoke so exaggerated it has been found seriously, but in any case must take into account the wide range of readers can come to this novel, and perhaps many of them (us) the end squeaky character.
The novel offers an amusing story that arouses our interest very quickly, but when you get to half the book, just waiting to happen for something different, because the author devotes too many pages to accumulate situations do not add up in the mind of the protagonist and that leaves a feeling repetition that can tire the reader. However, it must be said, this is a novel and it's always risky to thank the authors commit to experiment in literature and language, although some do not convince us the result. This always stimulates debate and revive our culture does.
Solsona creates an irritable character, an old man, grumpy, he sees as society became too quickly in what once seemed impossible: homosexual relationships, single parent families, immigration and assimilation very respectful treatment of a child to his grandfather. The speech takes the character all the time, that, firstly, is dedicated to remembering his childhood and youth, and the other, it analyzes their moral values \u200b\u200b(under education he has received), the eyes that see in the XXI century. The man, the suitcase full of a Catalan-speaking Castilianisms too exaggerated that the reader can not look credible and, consequently, away from the character and the novel. Costa
believe that a person says at a time "calling the attention," before "," Applause, "" I had to fight, "ànimos," quent "," chair "," Last Name "," up, "" arrange, "" crime "," etivocar "or" llimpiesa, but especially hard to believe when this person uses the same speech, worship other expressions, for just such a mix too forced. I use the verb "seem" because, given the strict language of the author, no one knows if he spoke so exaggerated it has been found seriously, but in any case must take into account the wide range of readers can come to this novel, and perhaps many of them (us) the end squeaky character.
The novel offers an amusing story that arouses our interest very quickly, but when you get to half the book, just waiting to happen for something different, because the author devotes too many pages to accumulate situations do not add up in the mind of the protagonist and that leaves a feeling repetition that can tire the reader. However, it must be said, this is a novel and it's always risky to thank the authors commit to experiment in literature and language, although some do not convince us the result. This always stimulates debate and revive our culture does.
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