Saturday, April 16, 2011

Facial Cleanser With Salicylic Acid

In the shower with TOM FORD

Brazilians and Max Motta Mariana Braga undress the screenplay requires ... I say, Tom Ford requirements ... the end? present their "new" perfume Neroli Portofino .

(Max Brazilians Motte and undress theirselves by Mariana Braga Requires ... sorry screenplay, by Tom Ford's Requirements ... why? To present his "new" perfume Neroli Portofino

The designer, who already put us at 100 with that shaved pubis 'made in Gucci' , that Sophie Dahl perfume 'Opium' of Yves Saint Laurent or that sexy Kortajarena that left little to the imagination, is back with a campaign that, frankly, does not disappoint.

(The designer, with Whom we always get hot, shaved pubis Remember That 'made in Gucci' That Sophie Dahl's perfume 'Opium' by Yves Saint Laurent or That Sexy Kortajarena That left little to the imagination, is back with a campaign That, frankly, not does disappoint us.)

A refreshing bath essence unisex accompanied by an exclusive cosmetic line with body milk, shower gel, body oil, exfoliating cream ... and which incorporates the spirit 'Portofino Genova' common destination latest perfumes.

(A refreshing bath in unisex essence Accompanied by an exclusive cosmetic line with body milk, shower gel, body oil, exfoliating cream ... and Which Incorporates the spirit of 'Portofino Genova' common destination for the latest perfumes).

The fragrance is just a version of one of the perfumes of their fantastic line 'Private Blend' and now Tom Ford takes a particular way.
You know, this summer as you do to go into the neck. For him como para ella, un buen baño de fina seducción, impregnados del olor de nuestros más húmedos deseos.
Pongamos rumbo a Portofino !
(The fragrance is just a version of one of the perfumes of his fantastic 'Private Blend' line and now Tom Ford takes it in a particular way. Hey, this summer as you do to go into the neck. Both for him and her, a great swim of fine seduction, full of the smell of our wettest desires. Let heading to Portofino!).


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