Thursday, April 28, 2011

Solomon Helmet Remove Ear

'Everyday life', Daniel Gascón

Everyday life
Daniel Gascón
Editions Alfabia
Issue 1, January 2011
2nd edition, February 2011
Genre: Stories 173 pages
ISBN: 9788493794361

Imagine that one day they board a bus to a city three or four hours away from his road and sits next to a guy about 30 years it begins to have fragments of his life. Ustedes no lo conocen, pero él le relata cómo su amigo Alberto se suicidió arrojándose por una ventana, cómo una novia suya (o más bien ex novia) está cada vez más desquiciada y lo único que él quiere es recuperar su banco de abdominales o incluso cómo su relación se tambalea tras acompañar a su pareja al dentista.

A los que nos aburren las historias cotidianas de los desconocidos donde en realidad no pasa nada extraordinario (y que muchas de ellas son sobre amoríos o relaciones de pareja que a mí personalmente me dan pereza), ese viaje en autobús se nos haría eterno y solo pensaríamos en llegar a nuestro destino lo antes posible. En cambio, si son ustedes de los que disfrutan with a bit of casual conversation, here are a few reasons to hear (actually read) to a literary author who becomes a normal part of daily life (as normal, although some fictional, it is easy for the reader will be identified .)

From the formal point of view, there is nothing objectionable in this book. It appears as what is and is not to mislead the reader devices. The divergence comes when one wonders whether or not these stories will appeal to all readers or one will remain the same when reading a letter from the author to a dead or his adventures with their girlfriends, which neither know nor probably would like to know if instead of the characters we had in mind. Gascon have good hand to write, but not always enough to know how to tell stories, sometimes it is necessary that these stories contain something relevant to trigger the need to write and read. I've been seduced by these fragments of everyday life, rather I have been too insubstantial, as if together we create a personal diary of someone who wants to make relevant what is simply bland.


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