The darling of Lagerfeld, seduces the camera Matthew Brookes sin mirarle de frente y disfrutando elegante y natural en impecables trajes cruzados años 50, modernas camisas con jaretas a la espalda y manga más que corta (y de impoluto blanco) y transparencias en el más sexual rojo, tendencia que vuelve a golpe de ritmo loco discotequero.
(Lagerfeld´s darling, seduces Matthew Brookes' camera without looking ahead and enjoying natural and elegant in impeccable 50's double-breasted suits, modern shirts with tucks to the back and sleeves rather than short (and in spotless white) and transparencies in the most sexual red, a trend that come back in as a crazy disco beat).

(A relaxed session sobriety Which drinks from classic, But Without Forgetting the villain side ... We All Have Within or at least Should!)
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